How to relieve symptoms of Eczema, Dermatitis, Psoriasis & Dandruff

1st Oct 2015

Whilst eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis and dandruff are slightly different, they share a few common symptoms including itchy, red hot skin, dry scaly skin, papules and blisters.  Depending on the severity, these symptoms can affect daily activities including limiting outdoor activities, disturbing your sleep and causing irritation and distress.  Find out how some common active ingredients can help relieve these symptoms.

How to relieve symptoms

With similar symptoms, treatments to provide relief from these symptoms can be similar for these 4 conditions and should include:

  1. Managing the itch
  2. Avoiding irritants
  3. Maintaining skin integrity

The three main active ingredients used in products for eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis and dandruff are coal tar, salicylic acid and sulphur.

Coal Tar

Coal tar is used in the treatment of skin conditions such as psoriasis, dandruff and dermatitis to help relieve itch and flaking.  In high concentrations it can itself cause irritation but most commercial products are of low concentration.  Due to its colour, it can cause temporary staining to the skin and hair.  This kin can also be more sensitive to sunlight so it is recommended that proper sun protection be used when using products containing coal tar.
[caption id="attachment_911" align="aligncenter" width="561"]Pros and Cons of Coal Tar Pros and Cons of Coal Tar[/caption]

Salicylic Acid

When used in the skin, salicylic acid helps remove the flaky skin, a common symptom see in dermatitis, psoriasis, dandruff and other scaling skin conditions.  In some cases, salicylic acid may cause mild irritation and dermatitis itself so it is always recommended to try the product on a small area first.
[caption id="attachment_910" align="aligncenter" width="556"]Pros and Cons of Salicylic Acid Pros and Cons of Salicylic Acid[/caption]


Sulphur also helps remove flaky skin and is often combined with salicylic acid for this purpose.  It also helps relieve itching and scalp flaking associated with dandruff.  Whilst repeated use may cause dermatitis and high concentrations may irritate the skin, it is generally well tolerated.
[caption id="attachment_909" align="aligncenter" width="554"]Pros and Cons of Sulfur Pros and Cons of Sulfur[/caption]


Eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis and dandruff exhibit similar symptoms including itchy, red hot skin, dry scaly skin, papules and blisters.  Regardless of the severity of the symptoms, they do affect daily activities.  Using products containing coal tar, salicylic acid and sulphur may help relieve these symptoms.  If unsure whether the product suits you, always speak to your doctor or pharmacist first.
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More Information

Better Health Channel
Australian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy

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