Health Matters! Back to School Tips for Kids

4th Feb 2021

We've blinked and the holidays are over, with most school children going back to their studies this week. This transition from freedom, late nights and holidays back to a routine can be difficult for both the child and parent when it comes to getting back into healthy habits. Below are our tips and suggestions for setting yourself and your children up for a safe, happy and healthy school year.

Prepare Their Good Sleep Routines

The long days of summer can throw sleep schedules out, especially after the kids have gotten used to staying up a little later and sleeping in a bit longer over the break. Get the kids ready for school ahead of time by ensuring their bedtime is adhered to before the holiday ends, working to ensure that they’re alert and are at their best when school starts. According to school children need significantly more sleep than adults to support their rapid mental and physical development.

Making sure that your children are accustomed to the same bedtime every night, includes removing screen devices from their rooms at night, like mobiles, tablets, computers, TVs, and other gadgets.

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It’s quite easy to forget that for most students the beginning of the school year is the hottest time of the year, especially when you’re working in an air-conditioned office all day long and not exposed to the heat. One of the most important ways to protect your child’s health in the heat is to ensure they’re staying hydrated all-day long and remember to drink. Teach them to take small, regular sips and to aim to finish their bottle before they’re picked up to go home.

Get on Top of Lice

Merely the size of a sesame seed, these wingless insects move between children's heads during school playtime, and their eggs (nits) hatch after several days. They can be hard to prevent, however tying back long hair and reminding your child to avoid head-to-head contact with other kids can help.

If your child does come home with a head full of eggs or lice, KP24 Medicated Lotion is specially formulated to effectively kill head lice and their eggs. You can also use KP24 fine tooth metal lice comb to remove the eggs. As a precautionary measure, repeat treatment after 7 days to remove any lice that have hatched since.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="590"]Image result for lice child Image credit:[/caption]

Encourage Them to Take a Multi-Vitamin

We all know how it usually goes: one child is sick, then before you know it the whole class is off sick. Ideal for fussy eaters who may not be receiving all the essential vitamins and minerals in their daily diet, a multivitamin, such as Swisse Children’s Ultivite, works to support immune health & cognitive development in children, and is a great and convenient addition.

Make Time to Play, Wind Down and Exercise

When it comes to boosting your kids’ physical and mental health for school, don’t discount the importance of exercise and down time outside of their school hours. From 6 years old, kids are required to engage in at least an hour of physical activity every day whether that be through sport or outdoor play. Additionally, mentally unwinding, even for a brief ten minutes per day, can assist greatly with stress management.

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