132 Aussie Mums Share Newborn Baby Advice

8th Feb 2017

Being a new mum is no walk in the park. There are times when all the books, classes and YouTube videos in the world may feel inadequate once your bundle of joy makes their way into the world.
While the prospect of motherhood may feel overwhelming in the beginning, remember that you are not alone. There are many Aussie mums who have been in your shoes, which makes them the perfect people to take invaluable pointers from.
We asked our followers on Facebook for some advice and here's what we received.
Leanne - Don't always do chores when the baby ? goes down. Have a rest and don't feel guilty about it. If you're not the type to nap during the day just read a book but give yourself a break. :) ❤️
Rina - You should sleep when your baby sleeps. Whatever household duties you have you can do it later just sleep to wake-up fresh start and play with your little one :)
Kylie - Listen to your gut you know your baby best and remember to take 5 mins out for yourself because if you’re stressed baby is stressed.
Ocea - If you’re feeling overwhelmed pop outside for some fresh air and gather yourself together.
Sam - Have naps whenever you can!! ✌️
Christie - Sleep when baby sleeps! The mess will be there later but the nap will be lost. Capture as many memories on video as you can. You'll never get another chance. It's OK to cry and not know what's going on, we all learn in our own time. Cherish the baby time.. soon they'll grow to be horrors that test your sanity ;)
Josie - If you can't sleep rest. Sleep when your baby sleeps is, in a way, the most annoying bit of advice. It's the only bit of time you can get to yourself and there are so many things you should do. The house is a tip, you need a shower , you haven't phoned your best friend for days...BUT in other ways it's wise advice. If and when you can, be sure to grab a chance to snooze, nap or rest. You need to look after yourself too.
Joy - Don't feel like you are a bad mom if you need to put your baby in a safe place to cry while you try to get a timeout so you don't explode. Crying never killed a baby especially when they are in a safe place. Taking care of yourself is also an important part of taking care of baby because if you fell apart there's no one that can do your job. (:
Sophie - It’s not an easy job being a mum. Take rest when bubba has a rest as if you are worn down and stressed bubba will pick up. Do not be afraid to ask for help either.
Mel - My advice would be to take a photo of your bub everyday as the time goes so fast and they change right before your eyes. Photo memories are so important!
Casey - Don't feel pressured into anything you don't want to do! Each child is different go with your heart! AND everyone makes mistakes we are all human!! Enjoy it! ?
Ava - Embrace the moment while they're just a bub time comes you will miss all the cuddles and giggles, the sleepless night and those cheeky smile. It can be tough some days but don’t forget to ask someone who you think can give you good advice when you need it.
Tanae - A new Mum is always a special and precious moment, my advice would be cherish like it's your last day on earth, live in the moment and not in the past. Dream big and encourage and walk with your child. Hold his or her hand while they’re young and watch them grow when the time comes #slippingthroughmyfingers
Shana - Keep it simple and have fun! Especially once bub starts smiling. Forget housework etc. Play with your baby. Most rewarding thing ever is when every time they look at you, they have the biggest smile on their face!
Kat - I’m a new mum. All I would advise to another new mum is
relax and embrace every moment as it goes so fast. Through every cry and every smile as hard as it gets sometimes, it’s the most beautiful thing in the world! Trust your instincts as a mum.
Chantelle - The days feel so long and hard but time goes so quick. They will be heading off to school before you know it so make the most of the chaos, it won’t last for long ❤
Alicia - Trust your instincts. Try not to concern yourself with what others may be doing. Enjoy it, it goes by in the blink of an eye ❤
Hayley - Take as many photos and videos as you can to look back on!! It goes way too quick!!
Jaz - Cherish every moment as they grow so fast.
Gina - Take in every moment because they will soon be a distant memory and you will miss them.
Sarrah - Enjoy your baby because time goes too quick.
Stacey - Take pictures of everything! No moment is too small. Don't worry about clothes so much. Your baby will grow so quick they won't get to wear things more than once usually! Don't be too proud to accept help. Sleep when your baby sleeps! Enjoy every fleeting moment because your baby will grow faster than you can imagine. Let people take your picture regardless of how horrible you think you look. You don't. And you'll appreciate it later.
Monica - Take a moment each day to just admire what your body has done ❤ It created life. When they are crying, whingeing or happy & cheerful - you nurtured that ? The female body is the most incredible thing! Embrace all the reminders of your pregnancy- stretch marks,
saggy bits, wobbly bits etc - these are marks of the journey, a path we are privileged to walk ❤??
Simone - Take deep breaths, soak up all the snuggles, your best is always good enough, ignore the laundry, play, laugh, rest, eat til your heart's content and take any help offered ???
Louren - All you need to do is take one day at a time. And to make sure they get time for themselves that's the main one. Thank you and good luck all.
Renee - Get those newborn photos done! Those first few weeks fly by in a daze and it's something many forget and regret not doing! So book a session before bubs is born, write it down EVERYWHERE, and force yourself to go ahead with it. Because when everything is settled and you start to feel like you again...it might be too late to capture those tiny newborn squishy moments and you will wish you had ❤❤❤
Melissa - My advice would be to realise just how quickly your baby will change and grow. Which is such a wonderful thing to watch, but also means all the little things you enjoy (and sometimes don't enjoy haha) will pass so quickly - the wide smiles, constant feeding, sleeping on you, the developmental milestones, and all the amazing little things each different baby does, will pass so quickly. As much as you can in your sleep deprived state, soak in each phase of your baby's development as before you know it you will be missing those moments. I am so happy I embraced my son only wanting to sleep in my arms for the first three months as now the only sleepy cuddles I get are during nighttime feeds, which I know will soon too be a thing of the past. There will be hard days, but they too will pass.. Cherish every moment, happy or sad, as it’s all part of the amazing and miraculous journey that is motherhood.
Brooke - It's okay to not feel okay everyday. It's okay to ask for help.
It's okay to get upset and cry over the silliest things. Just remember to breathe. Enjoy the beautiful moments of motherhood and remind yourself you're doing a bloody good job! You grew a human for 9 months, your body has the ability to provide your baby, food, comfort and warmth but mostly unconditional love. That's what babies really need. Loads and loads of love ?
Tracey - Don't worry if the house is a mess or you have to get take away for dinner or everything seems to be a mess. It all works out in the end just do what you can. You’re not superwoman and can only do what you can and at the end of the day you will have fed happy and loved kids. I'm a single mum of 4 including twins and sometimes I have bad day and get into bed with the house a mess and feeling like I've had the worse day but when I see my sleeping babies everything just feels right again and tomorrow is a new day.
Zarah - New mum here! ?? A piece of advice enjoy every moment with them from birth as bubs grown so fast. A month or two later you'll just trying to remember how tiny and light they r before. Indeed precious times ?
Courtney - See the fun in being a new mum. Stay calm and enjoy your baby's charm, and try to get them to take a bottle from the start, it will make it much easier to leave them when you need time apart. ?
Isra - Love, enjoy and save every moment. They grow so fast. Remember it's okay to cry , it's okay to ask for help and most importantly your reward is with God. ❤
Lisa - I am a new mum. Advice so far would be that everyday is different. You forget the bad and cherish the good. Take care of yourself.
Di - Your child will not remember how clean your house was when they were growing up but they will remember the time you spent with them ? (my mum told me this and her mother told her).
Louise - Advice I'd share with a new mum..mmm...it’s true babies don't stay babies for long..enjoy all the happy moments along with the long nights because they will pass and you will miss them ???
Kate - It's hard work and you'll have no idea what you’re doing but that's okay because with each day it gets easier as you'll grow into a beautiful mother and get to know your bundle of joy!
Priscilla - The first 6 weeks are the hardest. Keep persevering, listen to your instincts, trust your instincts and don't feel pressured to do things others think you should do or what you read is expected of you if don't think it’s right for you and your baby.
Angela - As a first time mum of a 12 week old my advice would be to remember that the hard times pass and the good times will always remain. Don’t take 1 second for granted because babies grow way too fast.
Elinor - It’s a cliche but try to remain calm and relaxed. It’s very hard when you’re sleep deprived and have a crying baby, but I'm sure they sense your vibe and if you are calm then they will settle down quicker. I'm am by no means perfect as I still occasionally get cranky and at times like that I hand my bubs over to my hubby or my Mum.
Karli - Don't compare your little one with others. Every bubba is different and will develop at different rates. Just enjoy every little thing he/she does. Firsts only come once so enjoy them while you can!!!
Kristina - Don't ever give up. Some days are harder than others, but before you know it you'll be wondering where your baby went, and always follow your gut instinct coz a parent knows their baby better than anyone.
Aroob - Take one day at a time..some days you will eat, nap and cook a meal and other days you might be in tears but remember it gets better day by day so don’t stress and take whatever help you get whether your partner's, family or friends.
Malissa - No one is perfect, you may think you are getting it wrong but we all have days like that keep your chin up and relish in the moments because before you know it they are crawling then walking and running and you will never get the full dependent moments back. Embrace motherhood with all you have.
Kayla - Things can feel so overwhelming in those first few weeks! Remember it is going to get easier! Don't quit! Focus on getting past those first few weeks.. when things are settled and routine begins.. you will wonder what's you were so stressed about and those comments you made those first few weeks of "how do people have more" they go straight out the window because you realise how people have more because the beauty of being a mum starts to kick in. ?
Rachael - Best piece of advice I got was babies don't learn habits until around 3 months... so if your baby wants to be cuddled or rocked, or to sleep in your arms... do it and cherish it. One thing you learn when number two comes along is you don't have that time and chance again to sit and hold the precious bundle, like you did with your first! Nothing is ever a problem if it's not a problem for you ?
Melissa - Some days are harder than others. Tomorrow is a new day. Don’t try and please everyone. If you’re tired, make the catch up for another day, your friends won’t mind! Don’t put pressure on yourself :)
Lisa - It gets hard.. no one tells you about the really hard times... cry if you want to cry .. break if you want to break.. it doesn't mean you are a bad mum it means you are being the best you can be... and honestly that's enough for you and your child... your child only has you to depend on and they love you with all their hearts and you are the world to them even on the days you feel like you failed in their eyes you are everything ❤
Laurie - Whatever works! Whilst I was pregnant I had all these ideas about what I should or shouldn't do, but when it comes down to it baby ultimately decides how it's going to go. Don't beat yourself up if it's not happening the way you imagined it.
Alexandra - People will tell you so many different things. Do what you feel is right there is no rule to parenting and every baby/child is different.
Hannah - Don't get upset when you do all the things you said you wouldn't or get upset by the expectations you had in your head that didn't happen, it's a journey and you learn as you go!
Lily - Focus on your baby and getting your sleep and just do the necessities until you get to know your baby and establish a routine. Join a mothers group it's great to have people around you who you can share ideas with and have a chat.
Kaila - Take in everyone’s advice, but follow your own gut. Everyone will have different opinions and every single baby is different, so just muddle through and do whatever works/ignore those who don’t agree.
Karla - The advice I would share with any new mum is that they're doing a good job as well as the tip from a friend - listen to all the advice but do what you want as you know what's best for you & your baby!
Tina - You'll get lots of advice but it's ok to do whatever you need to do. Every baby is different and it's important to look after yourself too.
Elianda - You will get through it, and have some very beautiful moments, to always remember… :)
Tracey - The sleepless nights don't last forever... So there is light at the end of the tunnel!
Anita - Persistence, patience, love and consistency. Above all though remember you are doing a great job!!!!
Sarah - Take each day and it comes and don’t try to stress over creating a 'routine' for your baby because no matter how hard you try every day will be different.
Karen - Don’t panic, breathe, love & have patience.
Mookey - Patience and a good routine.
Courtney - I'm a new mum too and I wish someone had said to me, that all those mums who say relax, forget all the stress and anxiety that comes along with a newborn. Don't feel guilty for feeling upset, angry, alone ect. Everyone and I do mean everyone has been there at one time or another. Take solace in the fact that the challenges you face now are not permanent and will change over time. Take any opportunities for someone else to watch them so you can have your space, and just remember, if they are fed, loved, safe and clean then putting them in their crib and walking away to collect yourself does not make you a bad mum!
Alana - My advice is try to keep as calm and happy as possible around your baby, any personal problems try to forget them around bubs as they sense how you feel and can make them upset if you are down.
Jara - Enjoy becoming a mum take it easy. Don't stress, listen to your mumma instincts & in time you will know your bubs crys needs & wants & it will all fall into place, & don’t be scared to ask for help if needed is totally fine. You’re learning, just enjoy & stuff what people think, all that matters is you do can best you can & enjoy oh take lots of pics hold & cuddle as much as you can they grow up so quick :)
Tegan - Remember, they are new to this too! They haven't seen or been anywhere other than inside you. That's all they know. So when they are crying, comfort them. Don't worry about routines or what other people are doing. You do what works for you and your baby. If that means feeding to sleep or co-sleeping - do it. They just want to be near you- you are their lifeline. You always have been and always will be. Most of all, love that little cherub with all your heart ?
Belinda - Enjoy every minute of it.. and sterilize anything that goes into your little ones mouth. And if you’re lucky enough to have twins like myself. ..The best advice I could give would be.. At night.. feed them both at the same time..If one wakes to feed..don't wait for the other little one to wake..feed them together or after each other otherwise you will be waking up every hour throughout the night. During the day rest when they rest.
Stacey - First mums make the mistake of wanting their baby to crawl or walk before they’re 1. Well, by the time the second baby comes around, you'll be wanting them to stay where you left them on the ground. Once they start, they don't slow down and you'll spend the next 18 years chasing them.
Erinn - Sometimes it's okay to not rush when your baby is crying. As long as they are in your presence and you keep talking or singing to them so they know you are there. Try and stay calm and get what you need done...setting up a bath for baby, getting a bite to eat, clothing them, going to the toilet, etc (the list is endless).
Holly - No matter the struggle you are doing a GREAT job! We are only human. No one is perfect. Also it’s okay to cry. Being a new mum can be hard at times but it is so rewarding.
Chelsea - Don't feel bad if you can't breastfeed, the most important thing to remember is at the end of the day your baby has to eat so don't get yourself down about it.
Alesha - To not take it for granted...I think so many of us do and don't realise how quickly it goes when your watching someone else grow up so enjoy every moment you can and let the child enjoy being a child while they can as we have so much time as an adult but such little time as a child ?
Bargo - Don't buy the whole shop when going clothes shopping, baby showers and relatives will give you all the hand-me-downs (that’s if you come from a big family).
Anita - It's only temporary! If they are sick, or clingy, or teething, or want to be rocked to sleep every night, just work with it cause it's only temporary!
Nichaud - I am currently pregnant and am also raising twin five year old girls. My advice is when someone offers you help, respond to them with a concrete plan of when/where they can help - give them a scheduled time. If they are really serious about helping, take the help.
Joanna - Remember you are not alone,help is always around don’t be afraid to ask.
Heidi - Take all the help you can get!
Catherine - Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
Chau - It takes a village to raise a child.
Marquita - It's okay to cry and ask for help.
Josie - If someone offers to help - say yes. If anyone makes even half an offer to help out snap their hands off. And if you need help - ask. It's tiring being a new mum and can be pretty tough at times too. Don't try do it all on your own. Accept help and support whenever you can. You don't have to be supermum - and you'll be a better mum if you get a bit of time and some support.
Sharon - My advice is to accept help when offered, don't try and have the cleanest sparkling house washing done, dinner cooked because you’re not expected to be superwoman. Take time out and enjoy the moment because they aren't babies forever ??
Veronica - "I'm a new mum and the best advice I can honestly give is simply ... have confidence in yourself! Kids don't come with a handbook so keep your head up and have the confidence that you are doing everything right! I tell myself this every morning!"
Yunita - Baby comes with no manual but there will be a lot of suggestions that sometimes can be confusing. You know your baby best so do what you think it is right.
Sarah - Every child is different. Don't worry when 'Mary' tells you how perfect and 'by the book' her daughter is. Yours is better! And perfect just the way they are.
Jeralyn - Trust your instinct and don't let others tell you how to raise your child. You would have it all figured out one step at a time. :)
Heather - My advice to a new Mum is do what works for you cause there is always going to be someone to tell you a different way with every little thing and all that matters is that you are doing the best you can for you and your baby :)
Tamara - My advice would be not to hang too much on the advice that others give you because everyone has a different opinion and all babies are different. What works for you may not work for someone else.
Lea - Follow your own instincts! No one knows your baby like you do! My first bub turned 19wks old this week and although I’ve asked questions and listened to advise, at the end of the day I’ve followed my gut!
Sara - Always trust your instincts. You know best if something isn't right or not working.
Talou - Don't listen to anyone's advice!! Do what works best for you and bub and you will get there!
Natalee - Just go with it, do it your way don't over complicate the experience it should come naturally.
Brittany - Don't listen to advice. Every child is different and nobody is an expert.
Clare - Never let anyone judge you... Always believe in yourself ?
Merlan - Just do what's the best for your baby and enjoy every moment for both of you ?
Tina - Always go with your gut instincts and never let people tell you how it "should be done" there is no 'right" way only what you feel most comfortable doing with your child. Enjoy motherhood. It's a journey not a race to see who is the best!
Renee - My advice would be that you don't have to act on all the advice you get! Every family and every baby is different, you hear so much conflicting advice as a new mum and it becomes so overwhelming.
Jemma - That at the end of the day, it's your child and you know what's best.
Sheldyn - Don't worry about all the advice/hidden criticism, you can't please everyone. Do what feels right.
Stacey - Don't take any advice. Just listen to your heart and instincts.
Vanna - Do whatever is best for you!
Kim - Just go with the flow and trust your instincts ?
Sveta - Do what YOU feel comfortable doing with your baby. Listen to advice but do it how you want. And never think you can't! You can and are the best mum for your baby! Mistakes will be made along the way, but that is just your way of learning & making yourself the best Mumma ever! Remember at the end of the day, baby loves you no matter what!
Sunaina - As a new mom I will only advise one thing - listen to all but do only what you feel is right. No parenting is a bad parenting. Nobody would like their child to be uncomfortable, but every child is different therefore every parenting needs to be different.
Alysha - Do what works for you! People will always offer advice but they don't know your situation, so trust your instincts and remember they don't stay little for long!
Teresa - My advise would be don't listen to everyone! Everyone will have a story or old wives tail that worked a treat or knows someone who knows some who did this and it was great! Just take it a day at a time and enjoy every moment. You will find you feet and get a routine that is good for you and your family. Everyone’s motherhood journey is different but remember you are not alone if you do need help ask! XO
Sophie - Don't try to be an unrealistic ideal of a supermum you don't need to be magazine perfect. Be who you are, adjust to your baby in your way, if you need some help ask for it, if you need some me time ask for it even if it's a ten minute shower to make yourself feel brand new. Don't let others advice put you down and follow your own instinct. You are a super Mum to your baby and your family.
Rochelle - My advice would be to trust your gut. Everyone has an opinion but no one knows your baby like you do. Have faith in yourself and try to enjoy every moment because they grow so fast. Look after yourself. Give yourself permission to feel exhausted, frustrated, etc and surround yourself by positive people who support you through the tough times and make the good times even better. And ignore any advice that doesn't speak to you.
Casey-lee - Everyone thinks their advice is helpful and you may find some of it is but always go with what you think, because you're your bub’s mum, you know your baby better than you realise, your mum instinct will kick in and take over.
Ann - Don't buy every baby related thing you see as you definitely won't use it all/need it all. And always trust your gut instinct as a mummy, it just seems to come to you when you have a baby, and do what feels right for you and not what every other person is telling you to do and lastly, enjoy all those baby cuddles!!
Julia - Go with your gut. There will be many advise from people, but sometimes all the advises are not working as every baby is different. Yes, listen but pick any advice that really make yourself comfortable and work. Do not stress yourself. Remember, this shall pass too.
Jacqui - Everyone has their own opinion on everything; you should and shouldn't do with/for/to your baby. My advice would be to smile and listen to everyone’s advice, but only take from it what you think you need.
Courtney - People will always give you advice, whether you ask or not. They do think they are trying to help but take what you want and ignore the rest. You know your baby better than anyone. And don't be afraid to ask for help. Even if you need 10 minutes for a cup of tea and a cry. People will understand more than you think. ❤
Kayla - Try not to let everyone overwhelm you with their opinions of perfect parenting, go with your instincts and enjoy every moment. There is no right or wrong just someone else's right and wrong ?
Em - I'm a first time mum and the advice I'd give others is just relax and enjoy your bub they change everyday so quickly... the housework can wait... oh and nap when they do ? and always follow your mother instincts no one knows your baby better than you!!
Kate - Trust your mother’s instincts! If you feel something is not right, don't let anyone dismiss your worries because you are a new mum. You know your baby best and are with them 24/7 ?
Chantelle - No one can tell you how to be a good parent to your baby, because a bit of advice works for one person/baby doesn‘t necessarily mean it’s gonna have the same effect for you or your baby each parent to their own.
Larah - Do what feels right for you and your baby... everyone has their own way of parenting and will try to tell you what is best but what is 'best' for some babies isn’t for others.
Shay - Trust your own instincts, every mother is individual as is their child. Only you can can hold that maternal bond with your child ❤
Rachel - My Advice is trust yourself. So many people will tell you there way is right doesn’t mean they are wrong just means it was right for there baby.
Shylah - My bubby is 4 weeks old and the only advice I can give is - no one really knows what they are doing we are all just winging it , trust your gut!
Veronika - My best advice is to do what feels right to you...as much as others have great opinions, it's not always right for your bub.
Anna Rose - Listen to all the advice that given to you..but only take what you feel is right for you and your baby..you are the mum you know what is best.
Tammy - My advice is to listen to other mothers advice and do what you think is best for your child, as everyone has their opinion on everything. Follow your instinct.
Mel - I'm a new mum and my advice is that everyone will give you their own opinions and advice. Take it in your stride and follow your own maternal instincts.
Paige - Always pack spare clothes for yourself in the nappy bag. Incase of poo explosions.
Carissa - I've just had my second baby in September, biggest tip would be cook the evening meal in the morning (recipe permitting) and then if/when the day goes south, that big stress is dealt with ?
Jane - As a new mum myself, I would say read as much as you can and cherry-pick the bits that work for you. Also, no-one else knows what they're doing either ?
Megan - I'm a new mum, our little girl is 3 weeks old. The best bit of advice I could say is invest in a swivel nursing chair instead of one you need to use your legs to tilt after giving birth it will be your best friend easy to get in and out of to feed your little one to let you enjoy the first few weeks even more ?
Laura - I'd say get the freezer stocked, have lots of fresh and non-fresh easy one handed snacks to eat. But mostly just be kind to yourself, there will be good and bad days. Hang in there.
Emelyn - Train them with daily routine like nap time and bedtime...my two little boys goes to bed almost same time every night after that waaallla it’s me time happy me????
Laura - Don’t ever leave yourself short of necessities! You do not want to be trying to take out a cranky tired baby when you need something fast!
Laurise - After bathing your baby don't empty the water out straight away because as soon as they come out they usually wee, poo or spew. So then you can put them straight back in!
Vanessa - My best advice to a new mum is to wear those kiddies out so much with play that they sleep well for you ? fun + sleep = win!

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