Solving Little Dramas with Little Noses Saline

Solving Little Dramas with Little Noses Saline

2nd Feb 2025

Did you know that it's common for children to have up to 12 viral illnesses per year in the first few years of life? And one of the most common is the cold with nasal congestion in newborns, babies and children being a particular challenge.

Newborns and babies prefer to breathe through their noses and having a clear and clean nose may assist with early feeding and sleeping. Most cold viruses last an average of seven days, and typical cold symptoms include a runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing, cough and sore throat. When a baby or child experiences a cold virus, they produce more mucous than they normally would, and this can make life miserable for the whole family.
Newborns can also have dry snuffy noses that are prone to mucous crusting, and this can make feeding time difficult for the infant and stressful for the parent. On top of this, a child with a cold can be restless and irritable.

The best treatment for a baby or child with a cold is rest at home with plenty of fluids. Viruses can't be treated with antibiotics. Resting at home allows your child's immune system to fight the virus. Another thing you can do is use a simple nasal saline drop or spray which will help to thin, loosen and clear the mucous to allow the child to breathe easier naturally.

For newborns, up to the age of two, Fess Little Noses Spray is great. It's preservative-free, and offers a reduced volume soft saline spray, suitable for the smallest of noses. It's also available in drops if you don't want to use a spray. Both the spray and drops are available with and without the nasal applicator. The nasal aspirator is great as newborns can't blow their noses, so it helps to clear everything out.

From age two, you can move to Fess Children's. It helps relieve the congestion caused by colds, allergies and sinusitis, it washes away allergens, dust and pollen, is gentle and non-medicated. It's great for older kids.

When administering anything to babies or children, you need to be very careful on how often things are used. Both Fess products are non-medicated and therefore can be used as often as necessary. As dealing with sick children can be stressful, these products are also very easy to use, and Fess has produced a video which explains exactly how to use them. The pack also contains detailed instructions.

Remember, if congestion symptoms persist, see your doctor, pharmacist of healthcare practitioner.

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