

Caruso's Quick Cleanse Detox Kit 15 Day

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Why use Caruso's Quick Cleanse Internal Cleansing Detox Program?
Caruso's Quick Cleanse Internal Cleansing Detox Program contains four specifically developed formulas designed to address your body’s major cleansing organs. These formulas contain 27 specially selected herbs and nutrients and 3 strains of Probiotics. The program consists of 3 formulas which are used together with a specialised eating plan, followed by the replenishing goodness of high potency probiotic.

The first formula, called Caruso's Stomach Clear, is a digestive stimulant which aids the breakdown of food. This is further supported by Caruso's Liver Detox which has been formulated to support the natural cleansing and detoxifying processes of the liver and other organs of elimination such as the bowel, gallbladder and skin. It may help to improve bile production and flow and promote the regeneration of healthy liver cells. The final detoxification aid is Caruso’s Bowel Clear which is a herbal formula designed to work with your body’s natural processes to gently relieve constipation. Caruso’s Bowel Clear is a stimulating laxative which allows for easier bowel motions. This helps to relieve bowel discomfort, bloating and flatulence, and assists with natural body waste elimination.

Once the program is completed, Caruso’s Alive Probiotic is used to replenish gut micro-flora and maintain the overall health of the digestive system helping to increase the growth of beneficial bacteria in the colon. This helps to relieve the discomfort and pains associated with Medically Diagnosed Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and relieve digestive discomfort such as constipation, diarrhoea and flatulence particularly when associated with lactose intolerance.

Caruso's Quick Cleanse Internal Cleansing Detox Health Benefits:
• Relieve symptoms of Medically Diagnosed IBS
• Relieve digestive discomfort such as constipation, bloating and bad breath
• Help in the management of some food intolerances and food allergies

Who would use Caruso's Quick Cleanse Internal Cleansing Detox?
• Those who want to support the natural elimination processes of the body
• Those with Medically Diagnosed IBS
• Those who want to maintain healthy liver function
• Those who want to promote and maintain healthy digestive function
</p><p>Indications<br>Not to be taken by those taking warfarin and laxatives.

Not to be taken by those taking warfarin and laxatives. Take at least two hours away from pharmaceutical medications

Directions for use: Before Breakfast 1 x Caruso’s Stomach Clear Tablet After Breakfast 1 x Caruso’s Bowel Clear Tablet Before Dinner 1 x Caruso’s Stomach Clear Tablet After Dinner 1 x Caruso’s Liver Detox Tablet 1 x Caruso’s Bowel Clear Tablet (optional) After completing the Detox Program Take 2 Caruso’s Alive Probiotic capsules each day with food

Caruso’s Stomach Clear: Each Tablet contains: Herbal extract equiv. to dry: Carica papaya fruit powder (Paw Paw)..................................................... 250mg Plantago afra seed husk powder (Psyllium)............................................. 100mg Zingiber officinalis rhizome (Ginger)....................................................... 100mg Foeniculum vulgare fruit (Fennel).......................................................... 100mg Gentiana lutea root (Gentian)................................................................. 100mg Cynara scolymus leaf (Globe Artichoke).................................................. 100mg Uncaria tomentosa bark (Cat’s Claw)....................................................... 100mg Juglans nigra fruit hull (Black Walnut).....................................................100mg Mentha X piperita leaf (Peppermint) ..................................................... 50mg Clove powder (Equiv. Clove Oil 5ml) ...................................................... 50mg Citrus bioflavonoids extract ................................................................... 50mg AND Magnesium chloride (Equiv. Magnesium 1.2mg)....................................... 10mg Caruso’s Liver Detox: Each Tablet contains: Herbal extract equiv. to dry: Silybum marianum fruit (St Mary’s Thistle)......................................... 15g (15000mg) Equiv. to Flavanolignans as Silybin 180mg Taraxacum officinale root (Dandelion) .................................................... 500mg Bupleurum falcatum root (Bupleurum) ................................................... 250mg Schisandra chinensis fruit (Schisandra)........................................................... 250mg Astragalus membranaceus root (Astragalus)................................................... 100mg Berberis vulgaris root (Barberry).......................................................................... 50mg AND Inositol...................................................................................................................... 250mg Choline bitartrate.................................................................................................... 250mg Taurine....................................................................................................................... 150mg Caruso’s Bowel Clear Each Tablet contains: Herbal extract equiv. to dry: Frangula purshiana bark (Cascara).................................................................. 500mg Salvia officinalis leaf (Sage)................................................................................ 500mg Calendula officinalis flower (Calendula)........................................................... 500mg Juglans nigra fruit hull (Black Walnut) ......................................................350mg Rheum palmatum root (Rhubarb)......................................................................... 200mg Artemisia annua herb (Wormwood).................................................................... 100mg Inula Britannica flower (Elecampane)................................................................... 100mg Caruso's Alive Probiotic Each capsule contains: Lactobacillus acidophilus……………………….....................................…....…7.5 Billion CFU Lactobacillus rhamnosus.......................................................................8.75 Billion CFU Bifidobacterium lactis………………………………….................................…..8.75 Billion CFU

Always read the label and follow the directions for use. If symptoms persist, worsen or change unexpectedly, consult your health professional * Not suitable during pregnancy or breastfeeding. * Use of Caruso's Bowel Clear in children under the age of 12 is not recommended * Do not use if you have abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhoea. * Discontinue use if diarrhoea develops. * Drink plenty of water. * You should be aware that prolonged use of laxatives may lead to dependence and may cause serious bowel problems. * Contains Glucose * Contains Nut * Contains Sorbates

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